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Tel: 023 81943275
Pre and Post-natal treatment

Our osteopaths, Sarah and Gayle are trained to treat women during and after pregnancy with safe and gentle techniques. They have continued to update and enhance their knowledge and treatment applications to give our patients the very best care and advice. Treatment can be applied at any stage pre and postnatally.
Pregnancy massage is also available from Pettina, Align's fantastic complementary therapist.

Osteopaths are trained to treat pregnant women
Gayle has a special interest in women's health and has undertaken extensive post graduate training to enable her to help as many women as she can, including a two year postgraduate diploma in womens health osteopathy at the world renowned Molinari Institute for Health. She has been working with women in all stages of their life for over 20 years and is a passionate advocate for women's issues.
Having suffered with pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (at that time known as symphysis pubis dysfunction) during all of her pregnancies, as well as several other complications, she has become an advocate for pre and postnatal health and works to help as many women as possible to be pain-free and as healthy throughout this special time.
She also believes that treatment and rehabilitation postnatally is essential and works with women to understand how their bodies heal and promote the best ways to achieve this.

Pregnancy Initial Appointment £62.00
Pregnancy Follow up £47.00
Pregnancy Massage 45 min £48.00
Pregnancy Massage 1 hour £62.00
Mummy MOT £90.00
Infant feeding one to one coaching coming soon!
Tongue Tie assessment coming soon!
The video shows an example of osteopathic treatment during pregnancy, using our specialist Belloost pregnancy pillow.
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